Monday 23 January 2017

Pick of the Week 11/01/17 Titans #7

The List;

Titans #7
Flash #14
Wonder Woman #14
All Star Batman #6
Justice League of America Rebirth: Atom
Justice League of America Rebirth:Vixen
New Super-Man #7
Detective Comics #948
Red Hood and the Outlaws #6
Action Comics #971
Superwoman #6
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #12
Suicide Squad #9
Justice League vs Suicide Squad #4
Uncanny X-Men #17

Ok this was a wallet busting week of comics, despite the glut of titles there was nothing of the same quality of last weeks Superman or Aquaman, still there was some good moments, the standouts for me though were the ones that evoked old school memories, both Flash and Titans took me down memory lane, but there is just something about the Flash and Superman racing that I love so Titans edged it for me this week.

Titans #7
I really like this kind of book, its a one and done story and sometimes its really nice to have some of these interspersed in the run,  I love big huge convoluted story lines and events but sometimes its good to have to a simple one shot story.

This issue is light on action but big on character development, this is a huge step in the right direction in taking the Titans back to their core and what makes them great. The issue opens with the Titans taking down a gigantic jabroni meta, theres a disagreement between Roy and Wally which leads into Superman arriving, Roy and Donna are clearly star struck, I always enjoy that reaction to Supes. Superman recognises Wally and then shoots off, this kicks of the race between on the two shown on the cover, while the two are racing Nightwing Garth and Lilith are arranging legal forms for the new yet to be revealed HQ, the detail Abnett goes into here is something he does really well. Back to the race Superman is back in his role of moral centre of the DCU here and there's finally someone Wally can speak to about Linda and get advice from someone who knows the history they have, we are also teased again about the acknowledgement of the altered timeline.

The dialogue here is just pitch perfect which isn't something you have been able to say bout this book, whilst Abnett smashed the ball out of the park with Aquaman this title has taken a bit longer to get going but this is a great start, and the way the issue closes is PERFECT and it sums up the one of the entire issue.

"This reminds me of the old days"


Elsewhere in comics;

Flash #14: This is a bit of a tease issue, about the return of  Captain Cold and I am so ready for that! Barry has his detective hat on as he tries to figure out what CC has planned, its a solid issue but it ends brilliantly with the Rogues together again! Shut up and take my money
Inhumans vs X-Men #2: This is enjoyable despite the dark tone, the X-Men open up a can of whoop ass, which surprised me I thought this would be a bit more even but all the IH heavy hitters are taken out by X-Men and exiled to limbo, so the big come back for the IH is still coming and I am betting it will be a doozy.
Wonder Woman #14
All Star Batman #6: This was really different, there is pretty much no standard dialogue here its mostly all all monologue and text boxes but its great stuff you expect that from Snyder and replacing JRJ on pencils is Jock so the book looks stunning. I am ssuming the point of this All Star Batman is going to be taking each one of Batmans core rogues and take them back to their core and reintroduce them to the DCU as was done very effectively with Two Face. This time round its Bats vs Mr Freeze, its a really atmospheric issue Freeze is looking to create a race of people like him whilst releasing a deadly bacteria which could wipe out all life on earth Batman foils the plot because Batman I am interested to see how this arc works out.
Justice League of America Rebirth: Atom: This was cool, I dug this I am looking forward to the team, I wish that it was going to be the Ray Palmer Atom as I haven't seen any of Ray since before Flashpoint, but this was fine.

Justice League of America Rebirth:Vixen - This was fine, it introduces Vixen in a serviceable way, but I just don't really care about here as a character at all.
New Super-Man #7: This was fine, this issues focuses on the Bat-Man of China which is a good shout,you see some development of the relationship with him and WW and we find out where Batman was trained, he clashes with the typical Jock bully who goads him into putting his Bat mantle on the line in a competition.
Detective Comics #948 This was cool, I didn't really care for the the last arc but I loved the 1st arc and the Night of the monstermen, this is just Bats and Batwoman here, picking up the dangling plot thread of Monstermen arc, someone is stealing the venom based formula form the dead bodies the colony are back in town and one of their top guys/agents? Arrives to break out Kate's father.

Red Hood and the Outlaws #6 I really enjoyed this issue, this is the blow off to the 1st arc, we see the bond between the Dark Trinity and Black Mask well and truly gets his comeuppance and ends up a vegetable. There is a really nice ending where Bruce and Jason meet up and Bruce lets Jason know how much he believes in him.
Action Comics #971: This is fine, Superman teases he is going to execute Luthor before breaking him out, its kind of cool to see Superman and Luthor working together, I am still not completely sure where they are going with Luthor as he saves Supes bacon here, the issue closes with their escape goes pear shaped and the two are stranded on a world where Superman has no powers.
Superwoman #6: This was a strong issue, which delves deeper in to the relationship between Lex and Lena, you see that from Lex perspective he really was trying to help Lena despite it being clear to most normal people that he was being selfish and doing it for himself, as much as she doesn't want to you can see Lana getting it and seeing that Luthor actually thinks hes been selfless, the issue closes with Atomic Skull breaking free and offering to free Luthor for a price.
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #12 This was fine, a solid GL issue. We see a knock down drag-out brawl with the Green lantern and Sinestro Corps joined by Hal and Kyle and Larfleeze this was a lot of fun eventually the good guys beat Larfleeze and free all of the worlds  & creatures he has bottled, one interesting development is Larfleeze kills braniac thus focing him to become one of the Orange Lanterns forever, another interesting moment is the unification of the GL and Sinestro Corp, this adds a new dynamic and could be quite compelling.
Suicide Squad #9: This was ok, this is another flashback issue as we saw last week in JL as we see Amanda Wallers 1st SS in action, without brainbombs the whole thing is a disaster.

Justice League vs Suicide Squad #4 This issue is big on drama and action as the 1st Suicide Squad Hit Belle Reve and there is a full on brawl between all 3 teams, which leads to some great set pieces, Batman for example takes Lobo out by literally blowing his head clean off his shoulders...excellent. The issue closes with the villains on top as Max Lord endgame is released he is here to get the Heart of Darkness, he get is freeing Eclipso who takes over the entire Justice League.
Uncanny X-Men #17: This is good, but I do object to just how dark this title is, its been that way with Uncanny for a while but its still bugs me, this is all about the relationship between M and  Sabertooth, Creed is looking to stop the Inhumans all being Slaughtered by the demons of Limbo along the way he finds M and tries to stop her from giving into her dark impulses she has since Emplate merged with her, but some of the young Inhumans see too much Creed can't in his mind let this get out so he feeds them to M.See what I mean? This should be an X-Force book not the Uncanny X-Men, we have been walking in darkness so long I really REALLY hope X-Men Gold and Blue are more upbeat and positive.

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